If you run a small busniess, or work with small businesses, or are a human – then odds are you probably have seen a good idea that for one reason or another struggled to reach it’s potential.

And if you’ve ever found yourself unpacking that scenario, trying to figure out where a project went off the rails, then you’re a) in good company and b) reading the right blog post.

Allow me to introduce you to a planning framework designed for exactly this purpose:

planning framework template

If you have designs and ambitions for your business, great – but those plans are only as impactful as our ability to bring them to life.

This framework takes an amorphous idea and helps give it structure. As you walk through the levels of detail, ranging from strategy to assets, content, tools, and skills; it prompts us to think through the detailed path we’ll take in order to launch this idea.

Here’s an example where we used this framework to launch a free online mini course:

One key takeaway I want to make sure you hear is that knowing exactly what needs to happen does not mean that you need to be the person who does everything.

Not everything that needs to be done needs to be done by you.

That’s actually one of my favorite reminders to give myself, so I’m happy to share it with you here.

It’s entirely possible that you will walk through this process and identify aspects of it where you are not equipped with the knowledge or skills (or appetite) to handle one of the requirements. That’s fine.

The goal of this planning tool isn’t to bury us with to-do tasks, it’s to illuminate the things that may have otherwise become stumbling blocks; so that we can make a plan (or find a connection) that helps them get done.

If you’re launching a project soon then give this framework a try and let us know how it goes.

And if you’d like a place to ask questions as you build, automate, and grow your business – then join us in the Monkeypod Membership community here.

The planning framework example in this video was drawn from a show-and-tell livestream we did where we broke down the detailed process we followed to launch the mini course – you can watch the full replay of that conversation here.