Monkeypod Retro

AI in Keap
Mini Course 

This mini course is designed to detail the new Artificial Intelligence (AI) features that Keap is building and integrating into the software.

AI is a powerful resource for small businesses, and these features will help you launch more automations more quickly, and communicate with your audience more effectively.

But only if you know how to use them...right?

There is a temporary issue causing intermittent errors on some web forms (sorry about that), so if this form is giving you difficulty please use this link instead. Thanks!

AI in Keap Robot

Mini Course Agenda:
here's what you can expect

Module 1: Using AI Automation Assistant

AI Mini Course Module 1

In the first section of this course we'll show you how to use the AI Automation Assistant to generate the copy you need to produce specific assets to launch a 'play' that helps in a core aspect of your customer journey.

Module 2: Build an Advanced Automation

AI Mini Course Module 2

In part two of this mini course we'll take the copy you've generated (for emails and landing pages) and show you how to use it to build and automation that executes the play you selected.

Module 3: AI for Individual Conversations

AI Mini Course Module 3

In this final module of this mini course we'll introduce the "wand", also known as the AI Content Assistant, which is a way to quickly produce the copy you'll need for individual or one-off communications with your audience.

Ready to start the AI mini course?

There is a temporary issue causing intermittent errors on some web forms (sorry about that), so if this form is giving you difficulty please use this link instead. Thanks!